General Terms

Mobility cards for businesses: Uno-X Firmakort and Uno-X Truckkort.




Note: Unofficial translation from Norwegian. If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Norwegian version, the Norwegian version shall prevail.


1. General

These General Terms and Conditions will apply to all use of Uno-X Firmakort and Uno-X Truckkort (the Card), issued by Uno-X Mobility Norge AS (the Card Issuer) to the customer.


The customer is the business in whose name the account is held (the Account Holder). The Account Holder is responsible for the use of Card by all person(s) having access to the Card (the Card Holder).


The Card may be used at stations and other shops having an agreement with the Card Issuer regarding the use of the Card for payment. The Card may be used to purchase goods (in the following, the term goods means charging services at Uno-X, petrol/diesel products and non-fuel/other products sold at stations) and services at all Uno-X Truck stations, selected Uno-X fuel stations, YX attended stations and YX/7-Eleven stations in Norway. The Card is also accepted at Uno-X Truck stations in Denmark and Preem stations in Norway and Sweden.


If there is a conflict between a provision in these General Terms and Conditions and the application form, the General Terms and Conditions shall precede the application form.


2. Application and credit rating

The Account Holder must submit a card application form to the Card Issuer. By signing the application form, it is agreed that further information, including credit information, will be obtained in order to process the application. All card applications are subject to credit ratings. Information from credit reporting agencies, publicly available sources and sources listed in the application form will be checked. The application may be declined by the Card Issuer without justification.


The Card Issuer may require that the Account Holder provide and maintain security towards the Card Issuer for credit granted under this agreement. The Card Issuer may require the Account Holder to increase the amount of security, or to provide additional security if the Card Issuer, in its sole discretion, considers this necessary as a guarantee for the Account Holder's current or future payments to the Card Issuer.


3. Acceptance of agreement terms

By signing the application, the Account Holder accepts being bound by the contract terms and the General Terms and Conditions for the use of the Card. The Account Holder is obliged to carefully examine the terms applicable to the Card and follow the instructions for use of the Card. Moreover, the Account Holder is responsible for keeping the Card Holder informed of the terms and conditions applicable to the use of the Card, and for the Card Holder to act in accordance with the Account Holder's obligations under this agreement.


4. Electronic communications

The Account Holder agrees that the Card Issuer may use electronic mail to communicate and to provide information and notifications and that agreements may be concluded by electronic means. A text on screenshots, e-mail and mobile phone is equivalent to ordinary paper-based mail.


5. Dispatch of payment card and personal code

Upon the approval of the application, the Card is sent to the Account Holder. The Card shall be signed by the Account Holder/Card Holder immediately upon receipt. The Account Holder chooses whether the name of the Card Holder or the registration number of a vehicle is imprinted on the Card, and may request the imprinting of other identification, subject to approval by the Card Issuer. At the Account Holder's request, the Card Issuer may, at its sole discretion, issue cards that are neither driver cards nor vehicle cards.


The Card remains the property of the Card Issuer. However, the Account Holder is entitled to use the Card in accordance with the terms stipulated herein. The Card shall be stored in the same safe manner as other valuables.

A personal identification number (PIN-code) is assigned to the Account Holder for each Card. The PIN and the Card must be kept separately. The Account Holder shall make sure that no one else can see the code when it is entered. The code should be memorized. If the code is noted down, this should be done in such a manner that no one but the Account Holder/Card Holder can discern the purpose of the digits.


If a card machine is out of order, or the card is unreadable, the Card can be used for manual transactions. A valid public identity card must be presented and the sales slip must be signed for the approval of the transaction.


6. Credit and purchase limits

The Account Holder shall use the Card subject to agreed monetary limitations as to credit and otherwise, for example per transaction and/or time period (day, week, month). Limits may also apply to one or certain group(s) of products. These limits are determined and subject to alteration at any time at the Card Issuer’s sole discretion. The Card Issuer will upon request provide information regarding the applicable purchase and credit limits. The Account Holder acknowledges that the Card must not be used for the purchase of tobacco products and gambling services (the term covers all types of gambling). The Card Issuer determines which categories of goods that may be purchased with the Card, and may at any time without notice expand or reduce the categories of goods offered when using the Card. The issuance of the Card to the Account Holder does not grant the Account Holder any right to obtain goods.


The Account Holder shall keep the Card Holder informed of the applicable limits regarding credit and products at all times. If the limits mentioned above are exceeded, the Card Issuer reserves the right to terminate this agreement, or to revoke the Card or impose a fee. If a card for any reason is suspended and subsequently reactivated, the Account Holder may be subject to a reactivation fee.


7. Marketing

The Account Holder accepts that information is transferred to another company within the Uno-X Mobility AS for the purpose of marketing and offering products and services to Account Holder.


8. Notification regarding suspicion/loss

The Account Holder/Card Holder shall promptly notify the Card Issuer if Account Holder/Card Holder discovers or suspects or should have discovered/suspected that the Card has gone astray or that an unauthorised person has learned the PIN-code. The same applies if there is reason to believe that the Card has been copied ("skimming"). For example, this can be the case if there has been a burglary in the Account Holder's/Card Holder's vehicle, premises, etc.


Notice of suspicion or fraudulent use/loss/duplication may be reported by phone +47 22 12 42 12 or to email address: If such report is submitted and the Card is found, the Card must be cut in two pieces. The blocking of the Card and the issuing of a replacement card is free of charge.


9. Debit of account

Payment is deemed to have taken place when a card transaction (payment) has been approved by the Account Holder/Card Holder and accepted by the payment system. The Account Holder cannot stop or recall the transaction after this point.


10. Discounts

The Card Issuer reserves the right to amend and differentiate discounts that are granted on purchases when using the Card. Discounts are not applicable on purchases when using the Card abroad.


11. Price, invoicing and payment

The Account Holder shall be charged current prices when purchasing goods using the Card. The Card Issuer may, at its sole discretion, add a fee or a charge to the price of the goods for the use of the Card.

Use of the Card is charged with interest and fees at the rates applicable at any time. There is also an administration fee of 1.5% when using the card outside Norway.


The account holder will be invoiced for purchases of goods in Norwegian kroner (NOK). Purchases in foreign currency will be converted to NOK using the current exchange rate with a surcharge of 1%.

The Account Holder’s net credit period is 30 days from the date of transaction, cf. Section 9. The Account Holder will receive monthly statements (invoices) showing the use of the Card during the period and the total outstanding balance. The Account Holder shall pay the invoices by the due dates. The Card Issuer reserves the right to charge an invoice administration fee.


In the event of late payment, interest at the current rate of 15.00% p.a. will accrue until payment is made. Interest on overdue payment will be included in the next invoice.

If a merchant erroneously charges the Account Holder for purchases, the Account Holder must notify the Card Issuer in writing without undue delay. The Account Holder has no right of retention or set-off for payment demands arising from the use of the Card unless the Account Holder’s counterclaim is acknowledged by the Card Issuer in writing or is legally enforceable by settlement or judgment.


Disputed invoices shall be paid in full by the Account Holder by the due date. If the parties subsequently agree that such an invoice needs to be adjusted, the Card Issuer shall immediately issue a credit memo and pay back this amount, or deduct it from any amount the Account Holder already owes the Card Issuer. Any objection to an invoice must be raised within 30 days of the invoice date. A claim is deemed to be abandoned if not presented within the set time limit.


The Card Issuer is entitled, at any time and at its sole discretion, to change the payment method or payment deadline and to amend or withdraw any credit extended to the Account Holder. If credit is withdrawn, the Account Holder must immediately pay all amounts owed to the Card Issuer, irrespective of whether the amount has already been invoiced or not, and regardless of any other remedies the Card Issuer may have at its disposal.


12. Default on payment obligations

A breach of the agreement occurs if payment is not made when due, and the account and the Card will be suspended for further use. If the Account Holder has failed to make any payment on the due date and/or there is an apparent risk of payment not being made due to inability to meet payment obligations, any and all outstanding amounts between the parties shall become immediately payable.


Upon settlement of all outstanding balances, reopening of the Card and account is considered.

Payments due may be transferred to a debt collection agency in attempt to collect the debt. Debt collection costs will be charged in accordance with the Debt Collection Act of 13 May 1988 no. 26.


The Account Holder agrees that outstanding claims, including interest and extrajudicial collection costs may be collected without legal proceedings in accordance with to the Norwegian Enforcement Act section 7-2 subsection F.

13. The Card's validity period Renewal

The Card is issued for a validity period. A new card will be issued prior to the expiration date unless the Account Holder's right of disposal has ceased.


14. Liability

The Account Holder is responsible for all Card transactions.


The Account Holder is liable for losses incurred as a result of the Card Holder's and others unauthorized use of the Card. Sections 35-37 of the Act on Financial Contracts and Financial Assignments of 25.06.1999 no. 46 do not apply.


The Account Holder shall not be liable for losses incurred as a result of unauthorized use of the Card occurring subsequent to the Card Issuer's receipt of notification regarding the loss of the Card or the code or other suspicion of unauthorized use, unless the Account Holder/Card Holder has acted willfully or gross negligent and thus made the unauthorized use possible.


The Card Issuer's liability under this agreement for claims relating to goods purchased with the Card is limited to the purchase price of such goods. The Card Issuer is not liable for any loss of profit or for any consequential or indirect loss or damages the Account Holder incurs as a result of a claim.


15. Complaints

If the Account Holder does not accept responsibility for a debited amount, in accordance with the liability rules set out under Section 14, the Account Holder must present the claim without undue delay after the Account Holder/Card Holder discovered or ought to have discovered the contested transaction and at the latest within 30 days after the invoice date, cf. Section 11.


If the Account Holder/Card Holder suspects that the contested debit of his/her account was related to a criminal offence, the Card Issuer may demand that the Account Holder/Card Holder reports the matter to the police.

The Account Holder/Card Holder shall give the Card Issuer a written account of the circumstances surrounding any loss.


16. Change of conditions etc.

The Account Holder agrees that the Card Issuer unilaterally may change these Terms and Conditions at any time with one month written notice. However, the prices may be altered with immediate effect.


Notice may be given by a separate letter or as a text on the invoice, or as an enclosure to the invoice. Changes shall be posted on the Card Issuer's website and The Account Holder shall make himself acquainted with the terms stipulated by the Card Issuer at any time.


The Account Holder shall notify the Card Issuer immediately of any changes in the information provided to the Card Issuer. Any change of the company name, business enterprise number or form of business organization shall be supported by public documentation from the Register of Business Enterprises (Certificate of Registration).


17. Processing of personal data

The processing of personal data recorded in connection with the use of the Card is subject to duty of confidentiality and the rules of the Personal Data Act with GDPR. The Account Holder—and in some cases the Card Holder— are considered as registered personal data and may demand information on the data registered on them and the purpose of its use. Disclosure to third parties may only take place in so far as it is necessary for the fulfilment of the Account Holder’s or Card Issuer's rights and obligations under the agreement. The Card Issuer may use assistants (data processing experts) who are given access to information that is required for the performance of the services for the Card Issuer. The personal data mentioned above will be used for several purposes, including:

  • managing the customer relationship,
  • fulfilment of the Card Issuer's rights and obligations towards the Account Holder and third parties, and
  • statutory regulatory requirements.

Furthermore, the personal data will be used to manage the customer relationship in the best possible way, including marketing and offering products and services provided by the Card Issuer. Such marketing shall always be in accordance with the provisions of the Norwegian Marketing Act, and shall only be used towards existing customers and pertain to such products that are considered equivalent to the services offered pursuant to this agreement.


Additional information on processing of personal data by Uno-X Mobility Norge AS in connection with the customer relationship can be found at


18. Termination

Either party may terminate the agreement at any time upon no less than four (4) weeks' written notice to the other party. Upon termination, the Account Holder must ensure that all the Cards are returned/destroyed.


The Card Issuer has the right to terminate this agreement with immediate effect upon notification to the Account Holder in the following cases:


  • (a) substantial default of payment by the Account Holder
  • (b) the Account Holder exceeds the purchase- and credit limits
  • (c) the Account Holder fails to provide or maintain adequate security
  • (d) upon suspicion of fraud or misuse of the Card, or if such fraud or abuse is uncovered
  • (e) the Account Holder is subject to debt negotiations, bankruptcy proceedings, administration, composition proceedings, bankruptcy or liquidation
  • (f) the Card Issuer undertakes or obtain a credit review or rating of the Account Holder which, in the Card Issuer’s view, is unsatisfactory
  • (g) the Card Issuer in its sole discretion decides that there are objective reasons to conclude that the Account Holder's financial situation has become or is likely to become impaired or unsatisfactory
  • (f) the Account Holder’s material breach the terms of this agreement
  • (i) the Account Holder transfers the agreement without the Card Issuer's consent, or in case of change of ownership in the Account Holder.

19. Assignment

The Card Issuer may transfer his rights and obligations under this agreement to a third party.

The Account Holder may not transfer any of his rights or obligations under this agreement.


20. Termination of the agreement

Upon termination of the account or/and the agreement, the Account Holder undertakes to return or destroy the Card immediately. The Card will be suspended for further use.

The Account Holder undertakes to contribute to return/destroy or in some other manner prevent that the Card is used if the Account Holder's right of disposal is revoked.


21. Contact information

All information and notices under the agreement shall be in written and sent to Uno-X Customer Support, either by letter to Uno-X Mobility Norge AS, Postbox 6470 Etterstad, 0605 Oslo or by email to


22. Disputes

The parties agree that the venue shall be the Oslo District Court.